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There are a confluence of factors coming together making massive customer-facing AI adoption inevitable.

First, companies are spending a crazy amount on mediocre-at-best customer service - about $33 billion a year.

They're investing in software, customer service scripts, and training, but the best a customer can ever get is a generic, drama free, transactional experience. It's a struggle even for the best brands.

Second, they're also spending $30 billion a year on customer engagement solutions like personalized email that get a 1% click rate and 0% reply rate.

Third, companies want to grow revenues and reduce expenses.

Fourth, AI agents have reached the level of maturity that they can reliably enable companies to provide customers with a previously impossible, real time, personal service experience at scale. At a 10th of the cost.

So here's what's going to happen:

Companies will adopt customer-facing AI agents that communicate with customers in real time via email, chat, and calls. The agents will have access to relevant customer data and remember every interaction they've had with the customer. They'll proactively send customers messages and respond to replies and calls in real time - simultaneously carrying out conversations with millions of customers 24/7. Resolving issues, answering questions, marketing relevant products, and so on.

Companies will effectively infinitely scale their best marketing and servicing employees. And every customer will seemingly have a dedicated representative helping and engaging them at every touchpoint.

This is a paradigm shift away from the template-based systems of today.

Companies will finally be able to engage and service customers as individuals, with true one-on-one communications.

Organizationally, a few things will happen.

Marketing and servicing will come together - they'll be responsible for what the agents send, and how they reply.

Legal and compliance will have a bigger seat at the table and be responsible for codifying the rules that the agents will follow.

Brand will eventually own the overarching agent experience, with specific focus on agent personality.

The adoption of this tech will be surprisingly easy, taking minutes to set up with solutions like TruAgents. So companies will realize that competition now comes down to how to best train their AI agents - and prompt engineering will distinguish the best agents and companies from the worst.

The prompts will be proprietary like critical company algorithms and other intellectual property.

The companies that succeed will gain the advantage of serving and engaging customers more effectively than ever before, at a fraction of what it's costing them now. They'll benefit from higher retention, better lifetime value, more customer satisfaction, higher brand value, and lower expenses.

We're building the plumbing for all this at TruAgents, and providing the hands-on support companies need to upskill and bring the best AI agents to their customers.

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